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Type 2 Diabetes

If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes you can take back a sense of control with sensible measures. Diet, exercise and a more mindful approach to how you are living your life are all things you may be considering. This 3 session programme, plus a recording to listen to at home, can help you to get on track and stay there. So why hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can help with:

  • compliance with a healthier lifestyle plan
  • reducing stress
  • reducing depression and emotional eating
  • breaking the cycle of bad habits
    Image by Wow Phochiangrak from Pixabay
The Programme

The 3 part programme aims to:

  • bring food choices to your conscious awareness
  • help you apply sensible strategies to control what you eat
  • help you resist sweet things
  • make you feel better as your body begins to improve its function

If you would like to discuss this programme of hypnotherapy and how it can help you to make those positive changes, then give me a call or complete the contact form on this website. Sessions are available in person or online.


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